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Tolo Baby Abacus Rattle:
- 3+ months
- Encourage gripping and shaking. Let your baby try this independently before stepping in to help, if necessary.
- Show your baby how to move each abacus piece from side to side.
- Show your baby how to spin the abacus pieces.
- Encourage lots of free play and noise with this simple but effective toy.
- Encourage simple counting with the abacus pieces - even if your infant is too young to understand numbers, talking and communicating will help later sound recognition and language development.
Tolo Baby Mouse Rattle:
- 3+ months
- Let your baby explore the rattle with their hands and mouth. Your baby will soon realise that if they shake it, it will rattle, they can move the shapes around the ring, and the ears and tail will twist and click.
- Encourage lots of spinning, shaking and rolling plus any move from your baby to follow the ball.
What's in the box
1x Gift Set