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When you try to pull a shirt from in the middle of a nice stack of clothing, it pulls others with it, thus disorganizing your neat stack of clean laundry. I know you've probably never experienced this issue because you've never had a stack of clean fully folded clothes. If you're like me you have a chaotic system in place where only you know which piles of laundry are clean and which piles are dirty. EZSTAX are a set of interlocking dividers that you can place in-between each piece of clothing to make it easier to grab something from the middle.
he dividers connect in the back to ensure no dividers ever move out of place. To use it, simply pick up the stack wherever you'd like to get a shirt, and slide it out with ease. Once you've remove all the shirts, you will be left with a nice stack of dividers ready for the next batch of shirts.
What's in the box
1 X 10 Pack Deal Bundle