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Did you know that your hair is up to 60 percent weaker when it's wet?
The Great Skin Co's Super Quick and Super Absorbent Hair Drying Cap/Towel/Wrap is made from Ultra-Fine Microfiber, dries hair up to 7 times faster than an ordinary towel. This results in less breakage & damage to your hair during the drying process (either naturally or using styling tools). Super gentle on your hair and due to increased surface area, the waffle-weave offers slightly more absorption for porous hair, which holds more water. Our closed weave does not have loops like cotton towels that snag and pull on your vulnerable wet hair. Our convenient, super-gentle cap keeps hair comfortably and securely in place. Ultra lightweight too.
When you minimize damage caused by water, blow dryers, cotton towels, and even air drying, hair looks smoother and shinier. Hair is less frizzy & styles better and even your color last longer. Hands-free drying.
Always look for The Great Skin Co label and brand packaging to ensure you are getting the original product
Contains 1 x Super Quick Hair Drying Cap. Microfiber weave with Cellulose-based Rayon.
- Keep away from children
- Always hang to dry after use to avoid mold/mildew forming
- Regularly clean your cap for a hygienic experience
What's in the box
Contains 1 x Pink Super Quick & Super Absorbent Hair Drying Cap. Microfiber weave with Cellulose based Rayon.