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Expand the traditional spot color palette with over 200 contemporary pastels and neons, in one handheld guide.
The Pastels & Neons Guide offers designers additional Pantone Spot Colors for creating eye-catching, market-driven designs. Perfect for packaging, logos and branding, and print and marketing materials when soothing shades or bright colors are desired.
154 pastel and 56 neon specialty spot colors to broaden and complement the Formula Guide to Pantone Spot Colors
Quickly select, communicate, compare, and control color
One compact fan deck for easy viewing and portability
Portable, handheld fan deck
Single guide includes color printed on coated and uncoated paper stock
Printed on the most commonly used paper stock weights (148 g/m² coated and 118 g/m² uncoated)
Lighting Indicator page demonstrates when lighting conditions are suitable for color evaluation
What's in the box
1x Coated/Uncoated Guide