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The 20-40 year old woman requires a metabolic kick-start.
Losing weight at any age is a lifestyle challenge, but research has shown that in the pre-menopausal woman, a slow metabolism is one of the primary causes of weight gain.
The 20-40 year old woman also has to face the acute stresses of balancing family and career. She needs to have energy and drive while maintaining her weight and figure.
Fertile women in this age group tend to have high oestrogen levels resulting in water retention.
Poor nutrition and irregular eating patterns lead to periods of over- and undereating, resulting in a feast and famine syndrome which negatively affects weight maintenance.
The HERBEX 20-40 tablet has five primary actions:
- Stimulates metabolism
- Reduces appetite
- Reduces water retention
- Increases energy
- Improves mood
And four secondary functions:
- Detoxifies the body
- Metabolises fats
- Aids digestion
- Gentle laxative
Agathosma (Barosma) betulina herba12,4 mg
Arctium lappa radix 12,4 mg
Berberis vulgaris cortex rad 12,4 mg
Camellia sinensis fol 12,4 mg
Capsicum frutescens fruct 6,4 mg
Carduus marianus (Silybum) fruct 6,4 mg
Eleutherococcus senticosus radix 12,4 mg
Foeniculum vulgare fruct 12,4 mg
Garcinia cambogia 60% extract fruct powder 12,0 mg
Gentiana lutea radix 12,4 mg
Hypericum perforatum herba 12,4 mg
Paullinia sorbilis semen 12,4 mg
Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara) cortex 6,4 mg
Taraxacum officinale planta total 12,4 mg
Trachyspermum ammi (Ajwan) fruct 12,4 mg
Triphala (Amla,Haritaki,Bibhitaki) fruct 6,4 mg
Zea Mays stigmata 6,4 mg
Zingiber officinale rhizoma2,4 mg