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Feed soil and not landfills by using Earth Probiotic’s bokashi kit to easily recycle your food waste into soil food.
All food waste can be added into the bokashi bin, including cooked and raw food, meat, seafood, small bones, citrus and eggshells.
This is a two-step process:
layer food waste between generous handfuls of bokashi until the bin is full, then set aside for 2 weeks to complete the fermentation (pickling) process.
After the fermentation period, the contents, while looking exactly as when added, is now ready to be safely composted, buried or fed to an earthworm farm in order to break down into the soil.
No composting takes place in the bin.
The contents can sit in the airtight bin for many weeks and still resemble exactly what was added. With no smell, as no rotting occurs due to the fermentation.
Only once the contents are added to other organic material will the magic of composting begin.
During the fermentation period, a liquid is often produced. This acidic by-product is diluted 1:300 (liquid: water) and used as a soil drench, or poured undiluted into your compost heap.
Often no liquid is produced at all and this is due to the food type added to the bin (fruit & veg is high in water), temperature (more liquid in warmer conditions than cold) and length of fermentation (long periods tend to produce more liquid).
The absence of liquid is not an indication that the fermentation has not worked.
Recycling food waste helps reduce your personal carbon footprint and ensures a safer and cleaner home and kitchen environment, while adding valuable nutrients, mineral and micro-organisms into your soil.
All our products are 100% South African produced. Our bins are made up of 65% recycled material and are recyclable.
The 2.5L tub can be reused as a daily food waste collection container.
Or to hold your next refill of bokashi.
Tap Tips:
Sometimes the tap is difficult to insert (especially during cold weather as the plastic becomes rigid).
The tap must fit tight otherwise the bin will leak and the process will fail.
These tips help to soften the plastic and make it easier to insert the tap.
Place the bin in direct sunlight for 10 minutes, or
Place the tap in hot water for a few minutes, or
Using a hairdryer, heat the white gland (where the tap is inserted into) for a few seconds.
Strainer Tips:
Gently push down the contents of the bin every 2nd day or so to expel air pockets in the bin.
The excess force will damage the legs of the strainer.
What's in the box
1 x 25L Bin (including 1 x tap and internal strainer)
1 x 700g tub of Bokashi