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Delays pigmentation creating pastel shades
iKuhl-er International Pastelize[it] Powder works well to Pastelize any brand of permanent tints - various shades of a permanent colour coded tint can be applied simultaneously to create depth and multiple shades of your favourite colour/code with one application
- iKuhl-er International Pastelize[it] Powder is the perfect formula for stylists to use with their preferred black pre-mixed black
tint (any brand), as per the instructions to make match to deposit Grey shades, without leaving green/blue/purple wash out
- iKuhl-er International SEMI[permanent] pastel shades desired for various end result styles, can be achieved with Pastelize[it]
Powder. A pastel pallet requires that the hair must be lifted/bleached and toned to level 10+[2]platinum to shade match to the
desired pastel colour. iKuhl-er International Pastelize[it] Powder is the premium choice of product material to mix with any
Colour to create pastel shades/colours, SEMI[permanent] stains and/or permanent pigments
Starch of Tapioca/Maize and Colour Coal Tar Dyes
- Pre-lighten/Bleach hair level 10+[2]Platinum and tone with BLUR[ple] Toning Powder
- Pastelize your colour with Pastelize[it] Powder per the instruction of both product materials to create your desired colour
pastel tone(s)
- Vary the mix ratio to create your own effects, e.g. 20% colour to 80% Pastelize[it] Powder
- Massage into hair with hands (gloves recommended) or using a brush
- Develop for 30-45 minutes
- Rinse hair until water runs clear and wash as usual with sulphate free shampoo and conditioner